
21% surge in website revenue for Pirongs


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  • 21% year-on-year growth in website revenue
  • 1000% increase in email-attributed revenue
  • Stress-free email marketing management



Established in the early 1960s, Pirongs are the go-to academic diary brand in the UK for schools and teachers. Historically selling direct to schools, education budget cuts presented an opportunity for Pirongs to introduce a DTC model, and so the search began for a trusted partner to grow this side of the business.

With no automations set up, sending just a few campaigns a year, and struggling to carve out the time that email deserves, Pirongs were aware of how their email channel could impact wider business for the better. They approached us to build an email lifecycle strategy to convert and retain more direct customers.

The challenge


A robust lifecycle plan built on data and design

First we conducted an email audit to capture how the email channel was performing and identify opportunities, followed by the design of a bespoke, streamlined lifecycle marketing plan.

One important consideration following this was the consumer’s traditional yearly buying cycle due to the annual nature of the calendars and diaries, and how we can encourage their customers to buy more regularly.

We migrated the brand from Mailchimp to Klaviyo for more advanced segmentation and automation capabilities, before introducing a new look and feel for email with a beautiful new template design that balances brand and conversion.

The next phase included the design, copywriting and build of core email automations (flows), including a subscriber welcome series, customer winback, browse and cart abandonments, category cross sells and customer thank you.

The majority of Pirongs’ database consists of academics, so it was important we understand if subscribers are teachers, lecturers, students, professionals, or buying for the home. We built a Typeform quiz which integrates with Klaviyo to better understand the list in order to personalise communications for an improved brand experience and increased revenue.

After a year of very few campaigns being sent, list health was a priority focus, so we implemented regular list cleansing and set up a sunset flow to automate this process.

We collaborated with Pirongs on a 6-month content calendar which acted as the holistic plan for the website, promotions, content creation and the email campaign schedule. We managed the email campaigns including design, copy, build and segmentation to foster meaningful, personalised relationships with customers.


Email-attributed marketing revenue increased by 1000% in six months

A robust set of lifecycle flows working on autopilot to nurture and convert the database, moving them from subscriber to VIP, increasing rate of purchase and reducing the average time between orders.

Regular email campaigns are sent to highlight new products or collections and share promotions to nurture their audience, drive sales and stay front of mind.

Almost immediately, Pirongs saw an increase in the percentage of their overall turnover attributed to email marketing, and tracking that revenue increase is effortless with our monthly reports.

Email-attributed marketing revenue increased by 1000% in six months, accounting for 8.4% of Pirongs’ total revenue, and contributing to a 21% increase in year-on-year website revenue.

When we asked Pirongs, they mentioned they have seen other benefits too. “The email campaigns have been elevated in their appearance and content, whilst automation has taken the stress out of the process. There’s a sense of continuity that was lacking in the previous ad-hoc approach.”

We chose Altum for their data-first & friendly approach. We have been delighted with their work and they have consistently delivered on their promises - we now have a lifecycle marketing strategy in place providing strong results. Highly recommend.
Kevin, Managing Director, Pirongs